
ELC 2010 Call for Presentations

The CE Linux Forum would like to invite you to make a presentation at our upcoming Embedded Linux Conference. The conference will be held April 12-14, 2010 in San Francisco, California.

Please see the ELC 2010 web site for more information about the conference.



Presentations should be of a technical nature, covering topics related to use of Linux in embedded systems. The CE Linux Forum is focused on the use of Linux in consumer electronics products, but presentations may cover use of Linux in other embedded areas, as long as the topic is of general relevance to most embedded users.

Presentations that are commercial advertisements or sales pitches are not appropriate for this conference.

Presentations on the following topics are encouraged:

  • Audio, Video, and Graphics systems for embedded products
  • Security
  • System size
  • Bootup time
  • Meeting real-time constraints
  • Power management
  • Streaming media
  • Flash memory devices and filesystems
  • Build systems
  • Embedded distributions
  • Development tools for embedded users
  • Technologies related to cell phones, digital settop boxes, televisions, cameras, handheld devices, or other CE products
  • Use of Linux in actual products, practical experience and war stories
  • Standards for CE products

Most presentation slots are 50 minutes long, including time for questions.

No paper required

A paper submission is NOT required in conjunction with the presentation. However, if a paper is produced, it is requested to be published in wiki format on the Embedded Linux Wiki


You may also submit a request to present a tutorial. Tutorials are intended to be longer, interactive learning sessions. A tutorial may occupy more than one session slot at the conference.

Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions

You may also submit a request to be the session leader for a "Birds Of A Feather" (BOF) session. This is an informal discussion on a topic of group interest. For a BOF proposal, please describe the topic area you would like to discuss. You should come prepared to help move the discussion along with a "lead in" presentation (a few slides) or some thought-provoking questions.

Technical Showcase (Demo)

Finally there will be a "poster" demo session at the event. The demo session consists of table-top demos, with an accompanying poster describing each demo. In this session, the demonstrator can interact with individuals or small groups, describe their work and answer questions.

General Guidelines

We prefer presentations that have not been previously presented, but exceptions will be made for material that is either of great interest or has been seen previously only by a limited audience.

A single person may submit more than one proposal. However, since the number of slots is limited, it is likely that at most one proposal from an individual will be accepted.

Examples from previous years

For examples of presentations from previous years' conferences, see:

For information about previous demo sessions, see the ELC 2009 Technical Showcase page

Technical Facilities

Presentations will be in rooms with 1024×768 XGA data projectors. Please bring your own laptop for your presentation. Please contact us if you have further requirements.

Reward and possible assistance

Speakers for presentation and tutorial sessions, as well as leaders of BoF sessions, will receive complimentary professional registration for the conference. That is, if you make a presentation or lead a session, you get into the rest of the conference for free! Please note, that if a session has multiple speakers, only the primary speaker for that session will receive free admission.

Please note that event admission includes access to the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, which is normally an invitation-only event.

Travel and accomodation assistance is available for a limited number of speakers, under certain circumstances. Please contact the e-mail address below if you believe your circumstances would qualify you for this assistance.

Review Process

All presentation, tutorial, demo and BOF proposals will be reviewed by the ELC program committee, and submitters will be notified of their acceptance (or not) by February 5, 2010.

Proposals will be assessed on a number of criteria:

  • Is the topic of interest to embedded Linux developers?
    • That is, is it relevant for using Linux in embedded products?
  • Does the presentation describe something new or interesting?
  • Does the topic fit with other presentations planned for the conference?
  • Is source code for the project (if applicable) available now?
  • May the forum publish your presentation on it's web site?

Submission method

To submit a presentation proposal, send an e-mail to [email protected]

A presentation proposal should include:

  • the name of the presenter
  • the presentation (or session) title
  • a brief (one or two paragraph) description
  • Also, please indicate with whether your presentation may be published by the forum on a web site, after the conference.

If you are submitting for someone else, please provide an e-mail address for the presenter.

If your proposal is accepted, you will be requested to provide a short paragraph describing yourself, for use in conference materials.

If you have any questions about the submission requirements, the status of your submission, the review process, or the event itself, please feel free to contact the program committee, at: [email protected].


Proposals for presentations, demos and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions must be received by January 15, 2010.

Speakers will be notified by February 5, 2010.


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