
Proposed OSCON 2012 Embedded Linux track

OSCON 2011 had a limited amount of content about Linux, embedded development, BSD and relevant tools, notably in the Open Hardware track. Let's propose a lot more talks and sessions in 2012. The purpose of this page is to gather suggestions for what embedded Linux content OSCON 2012 should include.


Motivation: Why the Embedded Community Might Care about OSCON

OSCON is a giant meeting of a diverse group of influential open source developers, leaders, and businesspeople. By speaking to contributors to other projects outside our traditional contacts in the embedded world, eLinux engineers can recruit talented people who are not currently working on embedded and can promote the spread of Linux into new applications. For example, OSCON attracts Python developers who might attend one presentation about build and configuration management in the embedded space but who never attend ELC. OSCON attendees who work on server-based virtualization might be curious to learn more about device emulators or mobile security. UI/UX designers in Portland might chat in the hallway with compiler deployers who are stuck with creating a new GUI . . .

Strawman Suggestions for Presentations

  • Satellite meetings
  • Dedicated tracks
  • Invited talks
  • Sessions
  • Contributed talks
  • Workshops

Satellite meetings

Dedicated tracks

Invited talks

  • "High-Level Web Interface to Low-Level Linux: the Case of the Beagleboard", Jason Kridner, TI
  • Java Virtual Machines: design considerations for mobile
  • New Features in Qt5 and What They Offer for Mobile
  • KDE or GNOME on Mobile Devices


  • Build systems (featuring embedded Linux)
  • Mobile embedded and its challenges (security, battery life . . .)
  • Automotive Linux and Intelligent Transportation Systems

Contributed talks


  • BeagleBoard
  • Arduino
  • Yocto

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