
Compressed printk messages - Results


The origin

Inspiration for this project originated in experiments conducted by Timothy Miller in 2003[1]. His experiments lead to the assumption that printk strings in the Linux Kernel can be compressed by 50% (~4% of the total size). No code or patches have been posted, yet the description of his ideas and the published codebook allow a discussion of his approaches, and of general challenges with this topic.

Timothy's approach[2]

  1. Compile kernel and keep .i-files
  2. Filter them for printk strings
  3. Compress those strings using tokenization
  4. Create copies of the source files
  5. There, replace strings with tokens
  6. Compile again

Further notes:

  • not even sure depacking at printk was ever made
  • allyesconfig was used for the tests
  • based on 2.4.20 and 2.5.68

Very intrusive and large overhead, yet three problems identified

  1. Extract printk format strings
  2. Compress printk format strings
  3. Replace printk format strings


Problem: Find all printk-strings

  • There are lots of functions/defines embedding printk/vprintk_emit
  • They are nested in all ways you can think of
  • Moving target, there will be more like <new_subsys>_dev_err, ...

Option 1: Scan the source files

  • needs to know all printk-emerging functions
  • misses merging of literals at compiler level
  • needs to handle all ways of string concatenation in the source files
  • this is what was originally done by Timothy Miller

Option 2: Put printk strings to own section

  • scales better (only base functions need to be converted)
  • compiler does the merging and concatenation
  • loses knowledge where strings came from
  • needs non-trivial changes to core functions
  • experimentally tried out for this research

Extracting: own section

Here is an example how printk was modified to put the string into a seperate section.

Define a wrapper:

+#define __printk(fmt, args...) \
+do { \
+   if (__builtin_constant_p(fmt)) { \
+       static const __attribute__((section("__printk"))) \
+           char __f[] = fmt; \
+       printk(__f, ##args); \
+   } else \
+       printk(fmt, ##args); \
+} while (0)

And apply it (one example here):

 #define pr_emerg(fmt, ...) \
-   printk(KERN_EMERG pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)
+   __printk(KERN_EMERG pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define pr_alert(fmt, ...) \
-   printk(KERN_ALERT pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)
+   __printk(KERN_ALERT pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)

Similar approaches have been implemented for dev_* and BUG/WARN. However, due to various side effects, a full kernel build could not be achieved in the timeframe for this project.

Upstreaming likeliness

However, since the own section approach touches many files close to the core in nasty ways and will most probably cause side-effects, it is extremely unlikely to be accepted upstream. Same goes for the original approach scanning the intermediate files.




  • needs to handle lots of small strings
  • should be instantly available (not somewhere in the middle of packed data)
  • no significant overhead, both memory and cpu-time


  • no sliding window algos (LZ and friends): can't extract slices & lots of bitwise shiftings
  • no variable length encoding (Huffman and friends): can't extract slices & lots of bitwise shifting
  • no frequency based compression (stats3[3]): needs 2MB RAM & also bitshifting

Codebooks to the rescue?

  • tokenization is actually a good option
  • BytePairEncoding works, too
  • both achieve around 50% of compression
  • even today around 4% of the kernel size gained
  • estimation based on manually compressed printk sections


  • allyesconfig is unrealistic for tiny systems
  • smaller kernels means smaller pool for codes
  • what about modules and their strings?
    • share codebook from the monolithic kernel -> modules are tied to that build
    • modules have their own codebook -> overhead eats gain


  • hardcode one pre-generated codebook especially suited to kernel printk strings?
  • would save second kernel compile, too, if codebook is previously known
  • loses some compression ratio since it is not the optimal codebook

Codebooks & UTF8

Tokenization and BPE need unused characters for their symbols which might collide with UTF8 encoding. While UTF8 also has 'illegal encodings' which could be hijacked as compression symbols[4], this is approach is hackish and will also decrease the compression factor by 50% (compression symbols are then 16 bit instead of 8).

Reusing unused ASCII characters as compression symbols is technically sensible here. However, giving up UTF8 cleanliness will probably be not well received upstream.


Source code level

In the original implementation, the source code was piped through a filter on the second build of the kernel. Not being able to see what was actually compiled is expected to raise eyebrows when upstreaming.

Own section

Compressing the special printk sections turned out to be rather easy with recent binutils. However, updating all references to the strings is expected to be complex. In this timeframe, it was not possible to research the topic. However, heavily modifying object files as a post-processing step, maybe with modified binutils, is expected to have serious problems upstream.



All solutions to the problems investigated here turned to be very hackish already at the drafting phase. The likeliness of going upstream is close to zero. They are also no good candidates for keeping them out-of-tree since they tend to be very fragile when it comes to kernel updates.

Further issues (from a higher level)

It is worth noting that printk strings are only a subset of all strings in the kernel. For example, devicetree uses a lot of strings and keeps adding more. They might be easier to tackle since they are largely accessed via of_* functions, but this will also add more complexity. To be worth this effort and receive more gain, the problem should be reevaluated at a higher level, considering all strings, maybe even all .rodata.

Other approaches

Turn the viewpoint

From: Managing Gigabytes, Witten/Moffat/Bell, 1st edition, p. 385:

We find ourselves in the midst of a practically important and intelectually fascinating convergence between the desire for more and better compression and the need to learn about what 'structure' there is in data.

So, trying to understand the structure and improve from there:

  • observations from 3.16-rc5:
    • x86-64 allyesconfig
    • arm-cortexa8 customer kernel
  • maybe a bit biased for device drivers


  • strings should be emitted from as centralized locations as possible
  • bonus: consistent messages

Already applied examples:

  • OOM error message removal (mm core will complain anyhow)
  • devm_ioremap_resource() (unifies error handling for devm_ioremap et al.)

Further possibilities:

  • have basic functions not printing error messages
  • have a convenience function suitable for most cases printing consistent error messages
  • devm_get_optional are also good candidates

Simple tests:

  • Removing error strings for devm_clk_get saved 20K instantly
  • lots of other candidates


  • usually done by a literal prefixing the format string
  • creates unique strings which have redundancy in them
  • use dev_* and friends if possible

Prefixes: Dead simple tinyfication

How pr_fmt gets applied:

#define pr_alert(fmt, ...) \
    printk(KERN_ALERT pr_fmt(fmt), ##__VA_ARGS__)

How to simplify it:

-#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt
+#define pr_fmt(fmt) "%s" fmt, KBUILD_MODNAME ": "

That saved around 15% (or 250 byte) for sn9c20x. Applied to all 900 instances in the kernel, it saved about 30K (or 0.4%). It works better in some places than in others.

Prefixes: More easy stuff

Redefine subsystem printouts:

 /* UBI error messages */
-#define ubi_err(fmt, ...) pr_err("UBI error: %s: " fmt "\n",      \
-                __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define ubi_err(fmt, ...) printk("%s%s: " fmt "\n",      \
+               KERN_ERR "UBI error: ",  __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)

That saved around 15% (or 2.5K). UBIFS, JFFS2, SCSI layer seem also to be promising candidates.


Some code duplicates strings too easy[5]:

switch (sd->sensor) {
case SENSOR_OV9650:
    if (gspca_dev->usb_err < 0)
    pr_info("OV9650 sensor detected\n");
case SENSOR_OV9655:
    if (gspca_dev->usb_err < 0)
    pr_info("OV9655 sensor detected\n");
case SENSOR_SOI968:
    if (gspca_dev->usb_err < 0)
    pr_info("SOI968 sensor detected\n");

/* ... 7 more ... */

And in the init functions:

if (gspca_dev->usb_err < 0)
    pr_err("OV9650 sensor initialization failed\n");
if (gspca_dev->usb_err < 0)
    pr_err("OV9655 sensor initialization failed\n");
if (gspca_dev->usb_err < 0)
    pr_err("SOI968 sensor initialization failed\n");

A little love helps a lot here \<3

  • proper cleanups are most sustainable
  • will not only remove strings but code as well

For example, here:

  • refactor init routines to return error values
  • print detected/failed messages depending on error value
  • use a table for sensor names and keep the rest of the string static

Layer 8

Be aware when adding strings:

  • be precise with printk level (error, warning, debug). This makes compiling out based on level more useful.
  • be conservative with non debug strings. We need rules of thumb here...
  • try to be consistent with the strings you create.
  • generate strings instead of copy-pasting similar strings
  • try to avoid prefixes; especially for drivers, there are plenty of alternatives
  • strings cost (a little), so they should be worth it


Compressed printk-strings, only for corner-cases

  • the price (overhead, complexity) for compressed printk-strings is still high
  • no existing implementation, depends heavily on use case (e.g. how are modules handled?)
  • the gain can be expected to be still around 4%
    • note that you will lose compression rate on the compressed kernel image because the already compressed printk data will compress worse
  • lots of side effects and huge increase of build time
  • looking at printk-strings is not enough (e.g. DT bindings)

General improvements first, benefits for all

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